New Program Facility Update

Thank you to the many who have donated to the building of our new program facility building! We appreciate all the support and donations. While construction has started, we continue to work towards our campaign goal. Donations are still being accepted for our project at our donation page or by calling 814-368-4101 to make a donation.

September 8, 2023: The driveway from East Main Street and parking areas are done. The lawn has been mowed once and some shrubs and flowers have been planted. A utility shed has been built and installed. The installation of desks, chairs, tables, cabinets, medical room equipment, paper towel and soap dispensers, telephones, printers and television sets are in progress. The doors have been configured to be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant and wheelchair accessible. Preparations and cleanup are underway for the community open house to introduce our new Blaisdell Center on September 14, 2023 from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM at 615 East Main Street.

July 19, 2023: The cabinets and countertops in the café and group rooms are completed. Preparing to install appliances and electronic equipment soon. The family bathroom with shower and laundry areas is being worked on and the staff bathrooms are completed. The flooring is done and the lockers for participants and staff have been installed. Topsoil for landscaping was delivered earlier this week and the driveway entrance from East Main Street has been prepped for paving later this week.

June 16, 2023: The painting is done and we have lights. Staff and participant bathrooms are almost done. The cabinets in the café and group rooms are being installed, next week the sinks and plumbing fixtures will be installed in these areas. The non-carpet floors are mostly done and the back patio is done. The large water drainage pond has been filled in and preparation work continues on the driveway and parking areas as weather permits.

May 17, 2023: The walls are painted and the painters are finishing the doors and doorways this week. Underground utilities for electric and telephone and internet services have been run into the building. Electrical outlets are being installed, and ceiling lights will be operational soon. The drop ceiling is being installed and should be finished early next week. The walk-in shower has been installed. The stone work on the front of the building and columns is done. The wiring for the fire alarm system has been installed and the wiring for the video surveillance system is been installed. Preparations for the driveway and parking areas continues as weather permits.

April 27, 2023: The drywall is done and painting has started and should be completed by the end of next week. The stonework on the outside is almost done and sidewalks are being installed this week. Network cabling installation starts next week followed by drop ceiling installation in a couple of weeks. Underground utilities will begin to be installed soon. Ground preparation for driveway and parking lot is underway and as you can see in our first picture, the outside lights have been installed.

March 10, 2023: As you can see by the new pictures below the wall partitions are up and all doors and windows are installed. The rough-in electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems have started and will continue for another week or more. The past couple of days we have started installing insulation.

February 22, 2023: A short building update. The floor has been poured, some doors are installed, and some of the siding has been installed. The various rooms and offices will start to take shape over the next couple of weeks as partitions are installed, followed by rough-in plumbing, electrical, and mechanical systems.

February 3, 2023: A quick update on the new program facility construction project. As you can see by our new pictures we have walls, windows, green metal roof and the front portico and back patio roof have been framed in. The next several weeks we will be installing the underground plumbing, radiant floor heating system and then pouring the cement floor.